Olah gomotaz peepz... If you fall in-love you better prepare to be hurt. You think I'm crazy? Let me tell you the fact!! The truth always sucks but it is true. If love comes between two people take it and enjoy it while the feeling and passion is still there. To all my readers who gets into a one way love, let me tell you something. Your an IDIOT to strive on and wait for her to fall for you because it will never happen, so just move on and find a new girl to love. Girls are so complicated that sometimes they don't know what they even want. They become blind and not able to see that the best is just waiting for them but instead they keep looking where is my prince charming. To my fellow female readers please don't get upset here are some stories for you. Open your eyes when your in a relationship because there are guyz out there who are a total jerk that make use of you and then just dumps you. Just because that happens once don't judge that all guys are like that. It is not true because there are still guys who are genuine and who can really love you for who you are. Wow!! Thats alot to digest so i guess thats all for now. Thanks.... muaxxx!!