Monday, September 13, 2021

The Days that have been dark.


These are the days where we face the reality of death. Day in and out, you hear about death, you see someone dies, you mourn with someone who has lost a loved one. Your mind is basically being conditioned about death on a daily basis. It drains out that strong emotion that you console yourself every other day but it just isn’t enough. Your sleeps get disturb and never something you look forward to, even if you are tired. There is so many uncertainties, there is so many what if. 

Dear Lord, when will all this come to an end? Is this the tribulation that you were talking about? Is this the end of the days? Everyday the thought runs through the mind, will I be strong and courage enough to cross the river? What awaits me? Will you hold my hand in this storm and chaos?


Despite these dark days, when I hear your word, when I hear your praise, this heart of mind comes to a state of peace. This gives me the assurance that I can face tomorrow, knowing that you are real, knowing that you are alive and your word is the truth. You have been through every single feeling and emotion that we are going through when you were on the way to the cross. You have gone through the agony that we are facing and certainly has showed the way. Your name gives us Hope, a hope that no one else can give. Thank you for opening our eyes and reminding us that you are a true and living God who has never once failed us and you will certainly not fail us tomorrow, next week or the times that are coming.


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