Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Caleb Steps 2 ( 2009 )

Firstly let me explain what is this caleb steps bout. Its a 6 weeks course. 2 weeks biblical studies at St.Paul's PJ and then for some mission exposure in Penang and Perak for two weeks respectively. We wen from city to the jungles, from sea to land. LOL. It was so fun my friends I would like to encourage you to sign up. So it started at St. Paul's PJ ......This was the dorm v stayed.....

The Kitchen which v use to make MILO,COFFEE and some say TEA. lol....

The Great Bathroom where privacy was given to us.

The room where the studies were conducted. Place of fellowship, erm all of us were looking at the table was bcuz they found something great on it LOL.Tats WILLIAM writting something on da white board which ...


At 9pm

At 11 pm Next Day Sam kena Sangkut.... LOL. Have U heard of the 4 Spiritual laws??? LOL

At the park near AMCorp MAll .........

And the next day Will and Richard thats me got detention.... cheh nola.LOL. V were ask to present a skit.

Visited Ast.Bishop Andrew Phang's church = Church OF Redemeer, BUtterworth.

MInistry among the chinese people in Butterworth.And den in St.MArk's, Butterworth Yogan had to learn how to balance two Girls at a time. LOL.

This is the Penang bridge which is under some construction but if u see the pic it seems to have two monsters climbing the pillar.... interesting LoL. On top of that we were caught in the jam for two hours and guess wat the weather was xtremely HOT!!!!! We got roasted..

But God was so good to us that we some how reach St.Nicholas Home without anyone of us fainting. St.Nicholas Home is the only centre for blind and with impaired vision people in Malaysia. They have around 100 of them staying in campus.
Having fellowship with the seniors there.

Learning sign language to communicate wit them. Pn.Sharifah ( person that was teaching us. She has been teaching in St.NIcholas home for 20 over years)Went out wit the Kids to Batu Ferringgi. Thats all for the PJ and Penang trip.

For the Ipoh part i'll juz let some of the pictures explain itself k. LOL.....

This was wit the kids of St.Philip, Sg Siput.

Street ministry wit Ps.John. It was so awesome. =)In the orang asli settlement church. We had to stay there. Best thing no toilet or any village around us. Its juz the 6 of us staying in tat church. hehe.... Alot of things v experience.The night service.At Gereja Shekinah, Mambang Di Awan. Its a house church in an ex-communist area.

So tats all. If u wan to see more u can watch it at youtube :

or you can c the pictures in my Facebook or Friendster.

The caleb steps students have done more than the pictures u c here and they sure have learn alot of things for example living together, doin street ministry, how to pray effectively for others, mixing wit different society, Theologies and many more. We also gain experience from the caleb steps for example living the orang asli style tat is bathing in streams etc. Sleeping in the train station, Finding our own way from one place to another, Making decisions, Sharing and caring for one another, Livin wit da blind people ( had to be blind folded ), living wit faith and many more... The caleb steps students are already missing one another. LOL. The amount of fun we had together is juz uncountable. So tats a brief story bout da caleb steps. TC..

1 comment:

  1. pics are too small... maybe can provide pics link to ur FB and FS...
